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To place an order, kindly whatsapp to us at +65 9028 9024.

Thank you!

30 Days Red Dates Tea               SGD 299

Unlike traditional red dates tea, our Physician designed a special regime based on 6 healing stages.


Day 1-5: Healing

Day 6-10: Rid water retention

Day 11-15: Lactation

Day 16-20: Strengthen bones & tendon

Day 21-25: Strengthen spleen

Day 26-30: Nourishing

Comes with:
- 30 Packets of Red Dates Tea 

- Digital guides 

- Every packet will be labelled in numbers sequence. Day 1  = Pack No. 1.




1-5  天 :  修复,宁神

6-10 天: 祛湿

11-15 天:通乳,促进母乳分泌

16-20 天:补腰,强胫骨

21-25 天:补脾胃

26-30 天:滋阴润燥


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